Saturday, January 16, 2010

talk about pressure

So this is the long-awaited, cleverly named Spain blog. Although it's not that clever, given that I'm not exactly in Madrid, I'm actually 40 minutes by train away in Alcalá de Henares. Anyways, I have titled this post as such because I hate it when people read what I write. I get all self-conscious about it, if it's funny and witty or whatever. So I figured, what better way to combat this fear than to bring it to the foreground and announce it to you all? This way, the pressure's off.

Right, enough with my boring writing fears, let us talk about the way this blog will work. Updates will be massively inconsistent in terms of frequency, overall length, level of interest, and degree of effort which I put into them. They may or may not be interesting at all. And if I can figure out how to put pictures on here then they may include visual aid for your viewing pleasure!

I don't have any time to give an actual update right now so for the time being this blog introduction will have to do. I don't want to make any promises but I have a sneaky feeling that getting this first one out of the way will open the floodgates to a river of blog entries. Could life get any better? I know.

I guess this is farewell for now... but we'll be in touch.

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