Monday, February 8, 2010


Things I miss the most about the USA:

1. The obligatory but ever true response of friends/fellowship/ACF/CPCC.

2. Mexican food - this is ironic because up until 3 years ago I hated Mexican food. Now I doy cuenta que it's my favorite! They have it here, it's just not at all the same.

3. Being up to date on news- I actually watch more news on tv here than I do at home, but it's Spanish news... i.e. local stuff. Interesting, but I don't hear much about the US unless they're talking about Obama canceling his visit to Spain.

4. Clean sidewalks- Spaniards do not clean up after their dogs, ever.

5. Watching the Superbowl - I missed it for the first time ever : ( Honestly not that big a deal, ever since the real football has become so important to me, the American junk has kind of faded away... I still like it but it's not a priority.

6. The Office - but I'm gonna be in heaven when I get back and have half a season to watch on

Things I will miss about Spain come May 7th:

1. Jamon y queso. The other day we were about to eat lunch, and I see a plate of Spanish Tortillas (aka omlettes) on the table, and I'm sitting there praying Lord, please let there be jamon y queso in those. There was... score. Spaniards eat ham/bacon/proscutto (or however you spell it) like we eat pizza. Or hamburgers. A lot, is what I'm trying to say.

2. Speaking Spanish- I'm gonna have to find some friends who are native speakers, cause I didn't go through all this trouble of learning the language just to lose whatever progress I've made!

3. Siesta- why wouldn't I miss 3 hours of rest in the afternoons?

4. Travel- day trips are the bees knees (las rodillas de las abejas). I'm going to miss spending every Friday and Saturday in an unexplored city. Although we could still do Toronto senior year... just sayin'.

5. Cigüeñas- the storks are everywhere in Alcala... I will miss their creepy calls and stoic poses.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have been having an awesome time. Though I must bear some bad news...NBC only has 5 episodes of a season available so you are not going to be able to watch the whole season or even 1/2 of the Office when you get back. You'll have to wait for the DVDs to become available. Hope you continue to enjoy your time and grow in your walk with the Lord.
