Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The week that was... and the week that shall be.

I was about to start this off by saying "Just got back from Barcelona" when I realized that today is Wednesday, and I got back on Sunday. I don't know where this week went but I feel like it was only yesterday that I was up there! Anyways, let me regale you with stories of the splendor of Spain.

So last Friday (the 12th of February) I got up at 5. I met up with my friends a the train station, from where we caught the 6 o'clock train to Madrid, from where we caught another train to the airport, from where we flew to Girona, from where we took a bus into Barcelona! We finally arrived at 12, so that's 7 hours of traveling before starting the day. But this was only the genesis of a sleep-deprived weekend.

So over the next two days we hit a bunch of sites in the city (if you've never been to Barca, this next part is going to be very boring... just a heads up) including las ramblas, one of the many houses designed by Gaudi, las borajas, the chocolate museum, the Mediterranean Sea, and (my favorite) Parc Güell. Also, I met up with my highschool colleague and eternal foos-enemy, Eamonn Giblin. While we did not make it to the foos tables, we did get to hang out for like 12+ hours so that was sweet. He showed us around the real Barcelona, the side of the city that you don't read about in Time Magazine.

So then Sunday our flight was set to leave from Girona (90 miles from Barcelona) at 6:30 am. Using public transportation, it would have been impossible for us to get there if we left on Sunday morning, so what do we do? We take a train on Saturday night, then stayed up all night in some Irish pub (which had wonderful Mexican food, for the record). While this was the most economically viable option, I don't think I will ever do it again. After a total of 10 hours of sleep over a period of 72 hours (factor in that we were traveling, aka totally wiped out)... I was not in a pleasent mood. It was one of those "I'm so tired I'm literally in pain right now" moments. But this was easily remedied by sleeping all day Sunday! Woohoo!!

Soooo that was how I spent this past weekend. This week has been rather uneventful in terms of social life, probably the most notable thing I've done has been to sign up for two intramural soccer teams (that's right, two), which will be composed solely of Americans, competing against teams composed entirely of Europeans. This will be interesting.

Speaking of footy, this Thursday (tomorrow) me and a bunch of others are heading to a game between Atletico Madrid and Galatasaray (from Turkey) which I am obviously PUMPED about. Then, as if that weren't enough gloriousness for one weekend, we're going to see Real Madrid vs Villareal on Sunday! You know, when life gives you lemons...

I think that's about it for now. Once again I repeat, if y'all have questions do not hesitate to ask!

Peace out, suckas!!

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